Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sleep over x six (Quinn & Noelle)

This is our Week with Quinn and Noelle.

Saturday Jan. 10th, We went to the store and got a present. Quinn got a Ben 10 figure and Noelle got princess make-up. Later Quinn cut a Milk Dud box to fit his figure. How clever. They slept over on Friday the 9th. Of course Grandma was having so much fun she forgot to take pictures.

Noelle takes a nap on the couch. We stayed up late the night before. Sleeping angel.

It was Rick and Mel's last night so we play a quick game of Hand and Foot. None of us could remember how to play. Of course David and I won! Ha! Ha!

Katie brought Twinkies. You can see that both Noelle and Whitney enjoyed them. Me? I just look tired.

Saturday night Hailey came over to play and say goodbye to Rick and Mel. Quinn and Hailey played with Lego's all night. They made some really neat things.

Quinn chillin after church with Bret and Beau. Jan. 11, 2009

Sunday night, gave Noelle some stickers to keep her busy. She put them all over her feet.

Monday morning Jan. 12th. Quinn and Noelle having breakfast. Aren't they cute?

Noelle having a pudding before we pick Quinn up from school.

Here we are in the theatre to see "BOLT" of course we have popcorn and drinks.

After we picked up Quinn from school we went to see the movie "BOLT". It was so cute. We then went to Red Oven Pizza. The kids didn't want pizza just bread sticks and ice cream. Soooo that's what we gave them. Went home. Quinn was asleep in the car by 6:30 and stayed asleep until 7:30 the next morning. We must be wearing them out.

Tuesday - Having some back yard recreation. Shootin some hoops, swinging on swing, throwing rocks in pool, reading a joke book. Life couldn't get any better that this!

Wednesday- Noelle going to pre - school. Quinn having a little after school snack.

Enjoying a little pudding mmm! Noelle playing with Hailey and Whitney.

How often have you made an Autobot out of a regular box?

Thursday - Quinn went to school and Noelle to Pre-school. Noelle, Grandpa, Bret and I met Katie, Hailey and Whitney at Mcdonalds. We got our wires crossed and went to different ones. Ha! Ha! Finally met up with them though. We picked up Quinn and played for a while. Did homework. Went to their house to get ready for mom and dad to get home. It was a great week. I do have to say I am glad I had my kids young while I had more energy. Those of you that know me know I can go, go, go, but with age comes slowness. We loved our week. Thanks Quinn and Noelle for being such great kids.


Katie's Krazy Klan said...

I looked at this posting a little while ago-but I didn't have time to comment. So here I am finally commenting! Glad you had fun, and that you're sleeping now! Love you.

CMHill said...

How fun. We're jealous of you guys playing outside and swimming. Alex said the other day, I can't wait until winter is over, and its been a warm winter here. We love you guys, Mark and Carrie fam

Dale and Nona said...

What a fun time you had with your sweet grandkids and family!! Sleep is highly over rated anyway!! (We love hand and foot too)!!!